What is a Local Planning Policy?

    Aside from the Local Planning Scheme, local planning policies are a common way through which local governments can create specific town planning rules. Local planning polices can cover a broad range of matters and could relate to areas concerning the entire City of Vincent, or more specific zones and precincts. The City has a number of local planning policies which deal with a wide variety of matters, they can be viewed on the Planning Forms, Checklists, Policies & Information Sheets page of the website: https://www.vincent.wa.gov.au/develop-build/planning/legislation-checklists-information-sheets.aspx 

    Why are the Design Guidelines being reviewed?

    The Design Guidelines were last reviewed in February 2013. The purpose of this review is to align the Policy with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and to reform the provisions as so correspond to formatting of the R-Codes

    What is a Character Area?

    A Character Area is a collection of houses (street or suburb) that has aesthetic value to the community. It may also contain buildings that have designs reflecting the City of Vincent’s development over time. The Character Area process is community guided and encourages us to think about what parts of the area are great. If successfully supported by the community, a Character Area would have an assessed level of character (Character Area Guideline) which will apply to that area for development that faces the street.

    What does this mean for landowners within a Character Area?

    Character Areas contain bespoke planning controls for the area but are very different to a heritage listing as they still allow for demolition of the house.

    Character Area designation and the associated guidelines are designed to complement the existing development requirements when you look to build on your land. They provide specific guidance on key elements valued by the community, and which community would like to see supported. These elements can include encouraging low style fencing at the front of dwellings and/or car parking areas at the rear of dwellings.

    As part of the Character Area process, some changes to development requirements are proposed. These are to enhance desirable character elements within your street and are considered and determined in consultation with community as part of the consultation process.

    Should no changes be requested by the community as part of this consultation process, the draft guidelines will be recommended to be adopted by Council at a later date.

    How does this Policy relate to the City of Vincent’s Built Form Policy?

    This policy is designed to be read in conjunction with the R-Codes and the Built Form Policy. Where inconsistencies occur between this Policy and other planning documents, the Policy prevails.