Draft Local Planning Policy: Lacey Street Character Area

At its meeting on 25 July 2023, Council adopted a recommendation to proceed with Local Planning Policy: Character Area Guidelines with modifications, for Lacey Street.
Project Details
Lacey Street is a unique street with a narrow road reserve and collection of complete federation-style buildings.
Lacey Street is one of few streets with an intact single storey streetscape and, given its proximity to the central business district and the growing demand for unfettered land, there is growing pressure on properties in this street for redevelopment.
Design guidelines have provided developers and landowners with a framework and direction that reflect the City of Vincent’s expectations for the protection and development of this street. The intent is that the original building stock in Lacey Street be retained and conserved.
Key changes include:
- Inclusion of Lacey Street in the City of Vincent’s Character Areas and Heritage Areas Local Planning Policy
- Updated development requirements to be more prescriptive and provide better guidance on the desired outcomes
Preliminary community consultation noted interest in protecting the precinct and for the existing guidelines to be updated to reduce ambiguity.
Share your thoughts
Feedback is now closed.
The City of Vincent is seeking feedback on the designation of Lacey Street as a Character Area, based on the provisions in the current Lacey Street Design Guidelines which aim to retain and conserve existing dwellings.
You can share your thoughts with us in the following ways:
- By phone 9273 6000
- By email mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
- In person at the City of Vincent Administration Centre, 244 Vincent Street (cnr Loftus Street), Leederville (during opening hours)
- In writing
Feedback closed 5pm Monday 29 May 2023.
What will happen next?
On Wednesday 24 May at 5:00pm, City staff will be available on the corner of Lacey Street and Brewer Street to discuss the policy.
Following community consultation, feedback will be summarised, and a recommendation presented to Council.
Everyone who provided feedback will be notified when the project is due to be considered by Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend the Council Briefing and Council Meeting to ask questions or comment on the project.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.