Vincent Ideas Program | Submissions
Share your clever, creative and courageous ideas with us. Submissions will be assessed against four criteria areas:
- Community benefit: the idea provides social, environmental, economic or financial benefits for the residents and ratepayers of the City of Vincent in line with the City’s Strategic Community Plan Priorities.
- Value for money: the proposal represents value for money for the City of Vincent and is affordable in the context of budget priorities.
- Feasibility: the proposal is feasible and there is sufficient financial and technical capacity, capability and experience to deliver the outcome successfully.
- Risk: any financial or reputational risks to the City from the proposal are acceptable.
Disclaimer - notwithstanding anything to the contrary on this website, by submitting your idea or comments you acknowledge and agree that:
- your submission comprises your own idea(s) and comments and is not (to the best of your knowledge) subject to another person’s intellectual property rights;
- you have given up any pecuniary interest (including intellectual property rights) in your idea;
- the City may implement your idea (in its original form or as varied/altered by the City in its absolute discretion) without any financial, legal or other obligation being owed by the City to you; and you are consenting to your submission/idea being republished on the City’s website.