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Draft Public Health Plan

Share your thoughts about the City's draft Public Health Plan 2020-2025 by filling out this short survey.

Alternatively, comments can be sent directly to the City via or 9273 6000.

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Public Health Pillars

The draft Public Health Plan 2020 – 2025 has five public health pillars created in response to consultation, local demographics, health statistics and policy review.

These public health pillars capture where the City can have the greatest influence in the protection, improvement and promotion of public health & wellbeing outcomes for our community.

The five public health pillars of the draft Public Health Plan are:

  1. Public Health Leadership,
  2. Social Environment,
  3. Built Environment,
  4. Natural Environment, and
  5. Health Protection.


Public Health Plan Target

As public health leaders, we are committed to setting a target for 2020 – 2025.

Our target is: Smoke Free Town Centres by 2025.

More information about this target can be found on page 19 of the draft Public Health Plan.


Do you support this target?