Proposed Renaming of Banks Reserve

The City of Vincent has received approval from Landgate, who make the final decision on behalf of the Minister for Lands, to rename Banks Reserve to Warndoolier.
This comes after Council voted in February 2024 to endorse Warndoolier to replace Banks Reserve subject to consultation with the Boordiya Reference Group.
Mayor Alison Xamon and CEO David MacLennan met with the group on 14 February to discuss moving ahead with the proposal. The Elders gave their full support for the single naming of Warndoolier.
Vincent also received endorsement from the Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation.
Further information is available on the City of Vincent website.
The City of Vincent is seeking community feedback on the renaming or dual naming of Banks Reserve.
Banks Reserve sits on the Swan River foreshore in Mount Lawley. It covers approximately 3.5 hectares and is bounded by Joel Terrace, the Old East Perth Power Station, and Tony di Scerni wetlands.
Historic maps from the 1900s to 1940s show the reserve's Noongar name was Warndulier.
The Reserve was also called Walter's Brook in the 1840s and Swan Street Reserve in the 1890s.
It was then renamed Banks Reserve after City of Perth Councillor Ronald Frederick Banks in 1963, who was in charge of the finance portfolio while the Narrows Bridge was constructed, and who also oversaw the construction of Council House.
It is known for its Aboriginal cultural significance as a ‘meeting place’ and a ‘camp’ and is officially recognised as a Place of Reconciliation.
A key action of the City’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024 is to bring Noongar language and names into public places in Vincent by reviving traditional names of parks and reserves located at significant sites, in consultation with local Elders, stakeholders and our community.
Over the past five years, Vincent has worked with Traditional Owners, the Vincent Boordiya Reference Group, the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RAPWG) and Aboriginal organisations in relation to Banks Reserve.
The Boordiya Reference Group confirmed the traditional name of this site was Warndulier/Warndoolier. The different spelling of the name was also discussed with the group who agreed their preferred spelling was Warndoolier, based on ease of pronunciation by non-Aboriginal people.
Project details
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 August 2023, Council approved community consultation on dual naming Banks Reserve as Warndoolier / Banks Reserve or renaming it Warndoolier.
Dual naming is the approach where places are officially recognised by two distinct names. One name is usually of Aboriginal language origin and the other of non-Aboriginal origin.
Once approved, people may choose to use either or both names.
Renaming is the approach where an existing official name is completely changed.
Both of these options restore the reserve's Noongar name. By acknowledging this continued existence, we recognise the Aboriginal history and ongoing connection to Noongar Boodjar (country).
Share your thoughts
This consultation closed 4.30pm Thursday, 16 November 2023.
What will happen next?
Following the consultation period, a report will be prepared for Council outlining the community's feedback and seeking endorsement to apply to Landgate for the name change.
As per the provisions in the Land Administration Act 1997, the Minister for Lands has the authority for officially approving all geographic features and place names in Western Australia. Through delegated authority, Landgate acts on the Minister’s behalf to undertake the necessary administrative responsibilities. This includes the development of policies and procedures required for the formal approval of submissions seeking the use of Aboriginal and dual names.
Everyone who provides feedback will be notified when the proposal is due to be considered by Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend the Council Briefing and Council Meeting to ask questions or comment on the proposal.
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