Pop Up Play
Consultation has concluded

To encourage outdoor play and help local children connect, the City has been trialling Pop Up Play equipment in open spaces across Vincent.
A lack of outdoor play equipment, particularly for older children, was identified as a gap in the City’s Public Open Space Strategy. The Pop Up Play program is designed to address this gap, and fulfil a commitment in the City’s Youth Action Plan to create more youth-friendly spaces.
Existing Pop Up Play spaces include parkour-inspired playgrounds at Birdwood Square and Loftus Recreation Centre, a free-play nature space at Woodville Reserve and a nature bike trail and pop up pump track at Britannia Reserve.
The first year of Pop Up Play had a wonderful impact on our City and we have received great feedback from young people in the community as well as peak body and industry professionals.
Outdoor play is important for children to learn and connect and we want to provide the support and infrastructure for children to enjoy the outdoors and have some fun.
Edinboro Street Reserve – our next Pop Up Play!
Our Pop Up Play program is extending to Mount Hawthorn, with plans to create an exciting new play area at Edinboro Street Reserve.
We are inviting the youth of Vincent to share their thoughts on what kind of play equipment they want to see at Edinboro Street Reserve. Some of the options up for consideration include nature play, an obstacle course, climbing and bouldering equipment or swings and ropes.
Share your thoughts
What kind of Pop Up Play equipment you would like to see at Edinboro Street Reserve? Share your ideas by filling out our quick survey below. Alternatively, you can email your ideas directly to us at mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
We're also inviting feedback to help us find other good spots in Vincent for Pop Up Play. Head over to our mapping tool to suggest locations for Pop Up Play.
For more information, contact the City on 9273 6000 or mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
Pop Up Play Locations
If you would like to see Pop Up Play equipment trialled in a particular area within the City of Vincent, let us know on the map.