Pickle District Planning Framework

At its meeting on 22 August 2023, Council adopted the Pickle District Planning Framework 2023-2028, subject to a number of amendments.
These amendments were in response to community feedback and emphasise the City's support for the innovative arts practitioners and businesses that form the existing Pickle District community and contribute to its unique sense of place.
More information can be viewed in the Minutes of this meeting.
The area of West Perth, known as the Pickle District, is situated between Leederville and Northbridge and is a unique pocket in Vincent.
It is home to a diverse mix of creative industries and acts as an arts hub for broader Vincent. Its character, iconic businesses and industrial-style buildings contribute to its distinct sense of identity.
The area's central location and consolidated land holdings create an opportunity for infill development and for enhancing existing industries.
The Pickle District Planning Framework 2023-2028 (PDPF), formerly the West Perth Planning Framework, began in July 2022 and aims to facilitate the redevelopment of the precinct.
More information on the background, including informing consultation and community engagement of this project can be found here.
Project Details
The vision for the Pickle District is:
South of Newcastle Street is the Pickle District and the heart of West Perth. It is a vibrant hub of art, culture, and entrepreneurship. The district’s identity is grounded in its unique character and versatile land uses, catering to creative makers and innovative businesses alike. High-quality, inclusive residential developments are integrated with the creative industries that will flourish here. Every building will be a testament to great design and architecture, reflecting the high standards we set for ourselves and our community.
North of Newcastle Street connects the Pickle District to its surrounds. It provides a mix of land uses that are sympathetic to the adjoining low and medium density residential development. The public realm is a pleasant environment for pedestrians who utilise the free public transport or are actively transitioning to other places of interest.
The City of Vincent's planning framework for the Pickle District precinct aims to create a vibrant and urban neighbourhood which capitalises on its proximity to the Perth CBD, public transit networks and amenity.
An important part of this framework is to support the creative arts and cultural industries, and create safe, pleasant public places that suit local community needs.The PDPF includes mechanisms to assist in the identification, design and funding of these public places.
Endorsed Framework
Following extensive community consultation between 29 May 2023 and 26 June 2023, Council endorsed the PDPF at its meeting of 22 August 2023. A link to this report, including the summary of submissions and revised PDPF is available here.
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