Norfolk Neighbourhood Safe Active Street

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Impression of what the proposed Safe Active Street design would look like in Norfolk Neighbourhood.

A detailed design for a Safe Active Street in and around Norfolk Street has been prepared and we are sharing these with the local community.

Please note that we have extended the consultation closing date based on community feedback to 4 November.


Safe Active Streets (SAS) use a range of improvements to create an environment where traffic speeds are limited to 30 km/h and the volume of traffic is low. In most cases the streets have enhanced landscaping, and it becomes safer to walk and ride.

The design of the Norfolk Neighbourhood Safe Active Street project was jointly funded by the Department of Transport (DoT) as part of the WA Bicycle Network grants program.

Vincent began exploring opportunities for Norfolk Street in 2022, after receiving DoT funds to undertake a feasibility study, community consultation and initial concept designs.

In May 2022 community workshops saw residents keen to share their ideas. A review of feedback helped us understand preferences for street treatment options:

  • Pocket or mid-blocked parks, diagonal diversions, straight one-lane passing and partial road closures were popular with almost everyone.
  • Participants were less inclined towards road humps, raised and modified intersections and parking nibs.
  • Mixed opinions were received regarding narrowing streets, tightening corners and angled one-way passing.
  • Residents felt retaining parking was necessary regardless of proposed treatments.

Project details

The proposed route, which includes parts of Venn Street, Norfolk Street, Alma Road, Ethel Street and Throssell Street in North Perth, is approximately 1.7 km long and forms part of the Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) and the City of Vincent Bike Network Plan 2023-2028

In May 2023, DOT awarded Vincent a second grant to enable detailed designs to be developed and in December Vincent engaged PJA Consultants.

PJA have prepared a detailed design proposal. Where practical, this design includes community preferences identified during earlier consultation.

An overview of the SAS design is below. Close ups of the main treatments can be viewed in 'maps' on the right-hand side of this page.

Once we know what community thinks about this design, the next stage for this project will be to continue to seek funding for construction.

Share your thoughts

Please complete the short survey below if you would like to comment on the design.

You can contact us in any of the following ways:

  • By phone 9273 6000
  • By email
  • In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (by appointment only as the engineering team work at a different location)
  • In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902

Consultation has been extended, based on community feedback, and now closes 4pm Monday, 4 November 2024.

Hard copy surveys are available on request.

What will happen next?

All feedback will be reviewed and, if supported, we will continue to seek funding for this project.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

A detailed design for a Safe Active Street in and around Norfolk Street has been prepared and we are sharing these with the local community.

Please note that we have extended the consultation closing date based on community feedback to 4 November.


Safe Active Streets (SAS) use a range of improvements to create an environment where traffic speeds are limited to 30 km/h and the volume of traffic is low. In most cases the streets have enhanced landscaping, and it becomes safer to walk and ride.

The design of the Norfolk Neighbourhood Safe Active Street project was jointly funded by the Department of Transport (DoT) as part of the WA Bicycle Network grants program.

Vincent began exploring opportunities for Norfolk Street in 2022, after receiving DoT funds to undertake a feasibility study, community consultation and initial concept designs.

In May 2022 community workshops saw residents keen to share their ideas. A review of feedback helped us understand preferences for street treatment options:

  • Pocket or mid-blocked parks, diagonal diversions, straight one-lane passing and partial road closures were popular with almost everyone.
  • Participants were less inclined towards road humps, raised and modified intersections and parking nibs.
  • Mixed opinions were received regarding narrowing streets, tightening corners and angled one-way passing.
  • Residents felt retaining parking was necessary regardless of proposed treatments.

Project details

The proposed route, which includes parts of Venn Street, Norfolk Street, Alma Road, Ethel Street and Throssell Street in North Perth, is approximately 1.7 km long and forms part of the Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) and the City of Vincent Bike Network Plan 2023-2028

In May 2023, DOT awarded Vincent a second grant to enable detailed designs to be developed and in December Vincent engaged PJA Consultants.

PJA have prepared a detailed design proposal. Where practical, this design includes community preferences identified during earlier consultation.

An overview of the SAS design is below. Close ups of the main treatments can be viewed in 'maps' on the right-hand side of this page.

Once we know what community thinks about this design, the next stage for this project will be to continue to seek funding for construction.

Share your thoughts

Please complete the short survey below if you would like to comment on the design.

You can contact us in any of the following ways:

  • By phone 9273 6000
  • By email
  • In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (by appointment only as the engineering team work at a different location)
  • In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902

Consultation has been extended, based on community feedback, and now closes 4pm Monday, 4 November 2024.

Hard copy surveys are available on request.

What will happen next?

All feedback will be reviewed and, if supported, we will continue to seek funding for this project.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

  • Please complete the short survey below if you wish to provide comment on the design for Norfolk Neighbourhood Safe Active Street.

    Consultation closes 4pm Monday, 4 November 2024.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 02 Oct 2024, 11:15 AM