Ilma Lane
The City is proposing to name the laneway that is located between Scarborough Beach Road, Oxford Street, Anzac Road, and Fairfield Street, in Mount Hawthorn.
The proposed name (Ilma Lane) relates to the former name for Fairfield Street (from 1904-1917). Before 1917, Fairfield Street had two names Ilma (south of Scarborough Beach Road) and Mosey (north of Scarborough Beach Road to Green Street). See the picture below from Plan of the Municipality of North Perth, c 1910 showing the former name for Fairfield Street – Ilma – running parallel to the proposed lane to be named.
Ilma Lane satisfies Landgate’s criteria for a road name in that it:
- is a single name element followed by a road type;
- does not duplicate an existing road name within the local government area;
- the name is not used in an existing street or place in WA; and
- is no more than six letters long.
Ilma Lane is considered pursuant to Criteria 5 of the City’s Road Naming Criteria – A culturally significant historic event, architectural style, artwork, waterway or other culturally iconic element connected with the area.
Where is the lane?
The lane identified for naming is located between Scarborough Beach Road, Oxford Street, Anzac Road, and Fairfield Street, in Mount Hawthorn.
The lane consists of Lot 66 on Plan 2454, part of Lot 67 on Plan 2270, and Lot 68 on Diagram 4706.
About the process
This laneway proposal was submitted to the City of Vincent by a community member. If a consultation receives community support, the City will submit a road naming application to Landgate. Landgate will then approve or deny the application.
Share your thoughts
If you have any thoughts or comments about our proposal to name the unnamed laneway Ilma Lane, please complete the survey below.
Submissions close 5pm, Friday 10 March 2023.
For more information, contact Marnie Herrington, Corporate Strategy and Governance Officer on 9273 6000 or