Can I obtain more information about the Proposal?

    Yes. Large scale site plans, plans, elevations and other relevant information is available for public viewing at the Administration and Civic Centre, 244 Vincent Street (cnr Loftus Street), Leederville between 8.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) or at the Library and Local History Centre during opening hours.

    You may also contact the Planning Officer, whose name appears on the consultation letter.

    What should my submission say?

    Your submission should clearly state the reasons why you object to, or support the development proposal and should relate directly to the variations proposed by the development to the standards of the Scheme, the Codes or any relevant planning policies as identified in the referral letter. Typical variations that may arise include privacy; overshadowing; height, bulk and scale; streetscape and character; and car parking.

    A good submission is:

    - Brief and to the point: If your submission needs to be lengthy because of the issues involved or a number of grounds for objection, then it is a good idea to include a single page summary sheet for easy reference. 

    - Supported  by reason and facts: Take the time to gather the facts. Talk to the Planning Officer who is dealing with the application prior to writing your submission and make sure that you understand what is proposed. Base your submission on the facts, not on hearsay. Once you are sure of the facts, prepare your submission based on how the proposal will affect you and the enjoyment of your property.

    As the responsible planning authority, the City is not authorised to consider non-planning matters. Therefore, submissions which are based on civil or non-planning matters will not be considered. Examples of such matters include possible impact on property values, vistas or dividing fences.

    What if I am satisfied with the proposed development application? Do I have to make a submission?

    If you are satisfied with the proposed development, you can provide the City with a submission of support.

    It is important for the City to understand the range of views across the community.

    In any case, a Officer will make an assessment of the proposal and all submissions received from the community. This includes matters including but not limited to building design, overshadowing, privacy, noise, traffic and parking.

    Should I sign a petition?

    You may find that someone has started a petition to object or support a development proposal. Someone may also ask you to sign a proforma letter (this is a standard letter signed by various people). The City will consider any petitions or letters which are received. However, an individual letter about how the proposal will affect you gives the City a much clearer picture of the likely effects.

    Will the application be reported to the council for determination?

    Primary responsibility for making decisions rests with the elected Council, at a Council Meeting. However, for some development applications, the Council has also delegated some decision-making responsibility to the Chief Executive Officer. 

    Details on what is required to be reported to the Council are outlined in the Delegated Authority Register, which is available on the City's website. Generally, it is only larger applications which are determined by the Council (e.g. a patio or addition to a dwelling would generally not require the Council‟s determination). 

    However, if there are more than five (5) written objections received for an application, the application must be reported to the Council for determination.

    Can a decision be appealed?

    Once a decision has been made, the applicant can appeal that decision or any element of the decision to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) if they are dissatisfied with the outcome.

    Third party participation in planning appeals

    Generally there are no third party appeal rights in relation to planning decisions in Western Australia, however, in certain circumstances it may be possible for a third party to participate in a planning appeal. The usual way is for a third party to provide a witness statement to the City and, if required, to give evidence at the hearing. 

    In certain circumstances (e.g. a legal or some other direct, material or special interest), the SAT may allow a third party who has a sufficient interest in a matter to make a submission – it should be noted that generally, it is not sufficient that the third party holds genuine and strong views or has taken an active interest in relation to the matter even when the third party is a body such as a community group or association. A third party who wishes to make a submission should write a letter to the SAT, to explain their position.
    Further information may be obtained by visiting the SAT website or by telephoning (08) 9219 3111.