- Private Realm – includes privately owned properties, such as shops, homes and offices. The framework outlines preferred building heights, designs and materials to ensure new developments blend well with Beaufort Street’s character.
- Public Realm – covers public spaces like footpaths, parks, streets and civic areas. The framework includes ideas for improving these spaces, which may be funded by the City or supported by developers in return for community benefits.
Where is the Beaufort Street Town Centre Planning Framework area?
The Beaufort Street Town Centre Planning Framework (BSTCPF) covers the area of Beaufort Street between Walcott Street and St. Albans Avenue. It includes all properties along Beaufort Street, as well as those within the immediate vicinity.
Why is the City of Vincent creating this framework?
The City of Vincent’s Local Planning Strategy identifies Beaufort Street as an area that can support more housing, businesses and community spaces. The planning framework will help manage this growth while keeping the street’s unique character, heritage and identity intact.
What does the framework do?
The BSTCPF will guide how private properties are developed and how public spaces are improved through the Beaufort Street Place Plan.
Good planning isn’t just about buildings - it’s also about the streets, footpaths and parks that bring people together. Community feedback has shown a strong desire for better public spaces along Beaufort Street, so the City is looking at ways to enhance these areas while ensuring new developments fit in with the neighbourhood.
How was the Beaufort Street Town Centre Planning Framework developed?
The BSTCPF project commenced in October 2023 with a detailed context analysis of the planning framework area. This was followed by a two-phase preliminary community engagement program between March and June 2024.
What is a Place Plan?
A Place Plan is a document that helps shape and improve local town centres. It ensures that funding and resources are used in ways that support businesses, improve public spaces and enhance community life.
The Beaufort Street Place Plan will outline how the City of Vincent plans to upgrade streetscapes, parks and other shared spaces in line with community feedback.
What are the Private Realm and Public Realm?
The BSTCPF sets out the City’s vision for the area based on current conditions, community needs and best practice urban planning.
What currently guides development in this area?
Development in the BSTCPF area is currently guided by Policy No. 7.7.1 – Built Form, which sets out design and development rules for buildings in the City of Vincent.
What is a ‘Community Benefit Height’?
This is the height a development may propose, that is greater than the rest of the framework area. These heights are only able to be considered should a developer also provide a relative community benefit or funds for the City to pursue them.
For example, a developer might be allowed to build taller if their project includes better public spaces, green areas or sustainable design features that benefit the wider community.