Mount Hawthorn Character Retention
Consultation has concluded

The City has been working closely with the Mount Hawthorn community to identify opportunities to protect and enhance the character of the area through our Character Retention Areas Policy.
Draft Guidelines
Amendment No. 5 to Local Planning Policy 7.5.15 Character Retention and Heritage Areas
Last year, we had the opportunity to engage with a group of Mount Hawthorn landowners and residents at a community workshop and through an online survey. This engagement helped us to better understand what characteristics the community valued about specific streets as well the suburb of Mount Hawthorn more generally. A summary of what we heard from residents at the community workshop is available below.
Based on the valuable community feedback received, we have prepared draft Character Retention Guidelines for the following areas:
- The Boulevarde – between Scarborough Beach Road and Anzac Road
- Kalgoorlie Street – between Ashby Street and Anzac Road
- Buxton Street – between Anzac Road and Britannia Road
- Matlock Street – between Anzac Road and Britannia Road
If approved by Council, the Guidelines will apply to all future developments in the above streets in order to:
- Ensure new development respects the historical context of the local area,
- Encourage building design that retains and enhances the prevailing character of the area, and
- Facilitate good quality, well designed development in keeping with the community’s vision.
The draft Character Retention Guidelines are available to view in full here.
Share your thoughts
We are now in the formal advertising phase of the project, which means we would like to hear your feedback on the proposed guidelines. We encourage you to share your thoughts online. Your valuable feedback will be used to inform our next step.
To share your thoughts, an online survey is available below. Alternatively, you can give the Policy & Place team a call on 9273 6000 or send us your thoughts and comments directly to
Feedback on the draft guidelines is invited until: Monday, 31 August 2020
What happens next?
Our project team will review the feedback provided online, refine the draft guidelines as required, and present the Guidelines to the Council for final consideration. If you've made a submission, we'll let you know what day it is being presented to Council, and give you an opportunity to provide any further comments.
More info
If you live outside of the streets covered by the proposed guidelines and you are interested in character retention in your area, please contact the City's Policy & Place team on 9273 6000 or
For more information about this project, check out our FAQs or contact us.