Youth Action Plan
Consultation has concluded

In October 2020 the City of Vincent endorsed the Youth Action Plan 2020-2022 with the vision "To Support, Connect and Empower our Youth".
The Plan provides a framework that facilitates holistic and integrated service delivery and demonstrates the City's commitment to supporting young people aged 12-25.
The Youth Action Plan (YAP) sets out key priority areas that aim to help us deliver effective and meaningful support and services. It ensures the youth perspective is part of our decision making and plans for the future.
Why did we review the YAP?
The Youth Action Plan 2020-2022 was developed as part of a five-year vision with actions and deliverables identified for a two-year term.
These expired in December 2022, and the actions and deliverables have now been updated for the next three years.
How did we engage the community?
An extensive community engagement process has informed the development of draft actions and deliverables.
In March 2022 the Youth Affairs Council of WA (YACWA) was engaged to assist with the development and delivery of a youth-led consultation model. Eight peer researchers were recruited to develop the Youth Action Plan survey, becoming community champions to drive the delivery of the survey to their peers. The survey was open to the public from 2 May 2022 to 29 May 2022.
In the documents section, you will find a summary of key quantitative and qualitative feedback received through the initial consultation process.
Draft actions and deliverables were then developed for the Youth Action Plan 2023-2026 with changes informed by this feedback.
The Draft Actions and Deliverables for the 2023-2026 Youth Action Plan were presented to Council in December 2022 and approved for final consultation.
Public advertising on the revised actions and deliverables was undertaken from 26 January until 27 February 2023.
Community consultation was advertised as follows:
- Imagine Vincent consultation page including survey
- Media release issued to local papers
- Public notice at the Administration Building
- Posts on the City’s social media channels – Facebook and LinkedIn
- News update on the City’s website
- Posters at community spaces used by young people (parks, facilities, YMCA, Aranmore Catholic College, North Metro TAFE)
- Articles in the City’s monthly e-newsletter with a link to the survey
- Social media and radio advertising via Boom Radio.
Targeted engagement with key stakeholders through:
- Pop-up consultation at Kyilla Farmers Market
- Pop-up consultation at Loftus Recreation Centre
- Pop-up consultation at Beatty Park
- Pop-up consultation at North Metro TAFE
- Pop-up at YMCA HQ gig
- Direct emails and conversations with key stakeholders.
What is happening now?
The outcomes of final consultation and Actions and Deliverables for the 2023-2026 Youth Action Plan were endorsed by Council in March 2023.
The Youth Action Plan is now being designed and will be available in mid-April 2023.