Thriving Places Strategy

At its meeting on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 Council revoked the Economic Development Strategy 2011-2016, and adopted the Thriving Places Strategy 2023-2028.
For more information, the Minutes of this meeting can be viewed here.
The City of Vincent has drafted a Thriving Places Strategy 2023-2028 (TPS) to deliver a place-based economic development program. Thriving Places is a priority area within Vincent's Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032.
Vincent’s most significant assets are the diverse town centres and precincts that foster local economic, social and cultural activity.
These include:
- Mt Hawthorn
- Leederville
- North Perth
- Beaufort Street
- William Street
- Pickle District
- North Claisebrook
As part of the recent Strategic Community Plan major review, our community described a thriving place as:
'Lots to see and do for all ages and abilities', 'walking not driving'; 'life, love and laughter, community investing in their community' and 'nurturing the arts and our environment that affect our quality of life'.
Background research and data analysis, as well as engagement and collaboration with local businesses, have shaped the TPS, along with learnings from:
- Vincent Town Centre Place Plan
- Small Business Friendly Approvals Program
- the successful COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Strategy and Rebound Plan
If adopted, the TPS will replace the Economic Development Strategy 2011-2016.
Project details
Our vision for the Thriving Places Strategy is:
Thriving Places are integral to our identity, economy and appeal. We want to create, enhance and promote great places and spaces for everyone to enjoy.
The strategy has been developed to provide a blueprint to achieve thriving places outcomes over the next five years and these include:
- We are recognised as a city that supports local and small business.
- Our town centres and gathering spaces are safe, easy to use and attractive places where pedestrians have priority.
- We encourage innovation in business and social enterprise as well as imaginative uses of space, both public and private.
- Our assets in the public realm are efficiently managed and maintained.
- Art, history and our community’s living cultures are evident.
Vincent will deliver plans and actions across four focus areas (Enable, Advance, Attract and Improve) as summarised in the implementation framework.
Council endorsed the advertising of the Thriving Places Strategy at its meeting of 16 May 2023 and a link to this report is available here.
The Thriving Places Strategy 2023-2028 is available to view in the documents section.
Share your thoughts
This consultation is now closed.
The Thriving Places Strategy 2023-2028 was developed following the Strategic Community Plan major review. Research and data analysis, engagement with local businesses, and learnings from existing plans and programs have all contributed to the draft TPS.
We'd like to know whether you think we've got it right and welcome any further comments you may have. Please complete the survey below.
You can also speak to us at our Open Day at the City of Vincent Administration Building on Monday, 19 June 2023 from 4-8pm.
Or share your thoughts with us in the following ways:
- complete the survey below
- by phone 9273 6000
- by email
- in person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (cnr Loftus Street), Leederville (during opening hours)
- in writing
Feedback closed 5pm Monday, 26 June 2023.
What will happen next?
Following the advertising period, submissions will be reviewed, and the final Thriving Places Strategy will be presented to Council.
Everyone who provided feedback will be notified when the project is due to be considered by Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend the Council Briefing and Council Meeting to ask questions or comment on the Strategy.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.