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Aerial view of City of Vincent looking towards CBD skyline

The last few months has seen over 30 major projects ‘open for consultation’ on these pages and we’d like to take the opportunity during this rare quiet moment on Imagine Vincent to thank everyone who’s contributed their time, energy, and views to one of those projects.

During that time, almost 4000 people made a total of over 5000 visits to those pages. Over a thousand of you spent time reading documents, looking at photos and grappling with maps, and 550 expressed views by submitting surveys.

All of that tells us you care. We know you don’t always agree with us, and you may sometimes feel like we haven’t heard you, but we do read every single comment and try to make sure any decision we make balances the wide variety of views we receive, here and through other channels.

We’re genuinely trying to improve our conversation skills and you should start to see more feedback in Imagine Vincent over the coming months as to how your views influence what happens.

Online digital engagement (Imagine Vincent) is only one way we ask for your views, and it doesn’t replace traditional methods such as face to face conversations and workshops. We’d love you to continue being involved and working with us on a whole range of projects, plans and initiatives.

We welcome input from everyone: community members, organisations, businesses, visitors, and all other stakeholders in helping us to make decisions which reflect the views of our community, and we’re especially keen to hear from those who don’t normally participate, such as young people, so those decisions can become even more representative.

In the meantime, please keep the conversation going, we’d love to hear from you.

Why not start by signing up to the City of Vincent e-newsletter here.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

The last few months has seen over 30 major projects ‘open for consultation’ on these pages and we’d like to take the opportunity during this rare quiet moment on Imagine Vincent to thank everyone who’s contributed their time, energy, and views to one of those projects.

During that time, almost 4000 people made a total of over 5000 visits to those pages. Over a thousand of you spent time reading documents, looking at photos and grappling with maps, and 550 expressed views by submitting surveys.

All of that tells us you care. We know you don’t always agree with us, and you may sometimes feel like we haven’t heard you, but we do read every single comment and try to make sure any decision we make balances the wide variety of views we receive, here and through other channels.

We’re genuinely trying to improve our conversation skills and you should start to see more feedback in Imagine Vincent over the coming months as to how your views influence what happens.

Online digital engagement (Imagine Vincent) is only one way we ask for your views, and it doesn’t replace traditional methods such as face to face conversations and workshops. We’d love you to continue being involved and working with us on a whole range of projects, plans and initiatives.

We welcome input from everyone: community members, organisations, businesses, visitors, and all other stakeholders in helping us to make decisions which reflect the views of our community, and we’re especially keen to hear from those who don’t normally participate, such as young people, so those decisions can become even more representative.

In the meantime, please keep the conversation going, we’d love to hear from you.

Why not start by signing up to the City of Vincent e-newsletter here.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

Page last updated: 07 Jul 2023, 08:44 AM