Closure of Right of Way

This consultation is now closed.
The City of Vincent is inviting community feedback on a proposal to close a privately owned right of way lot, next to the Brisbane Hotel. The lot would then be amalgamated with the adjoining Brisbane Hotel land.
In a recent sale of the Brisbane Hotel, 292 Beaufort Street, Perth, the purchaser identified the privately owned right of way which appears to form part of the site.
The City of Vincent has received a request from the Brisbane Hotel to acquire this privately owned right of way.
At a meeting on 22 October 2024, Council resolved to provide public notice seeking submissions on the proposal to close, by acquisition, the right of way in accordance with Section 52 of the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA).
A copy of the report can be viewed in the Document library to the right of this page.
Project Details
The City of Vincent is proposing to request the Minister for Lands to close, by acquisition, the right of way and amalgamate with the adjoining Brisbane Hotel land.
The right of way is approximately 31 metres in length and has unintentionally formed part of the Brisbane Hotel site since around 2004.
To the best of the City’s knowledge, the closure will have no impact on the community as it is currently not publicly accessible.
The City’s adjoining landholding will continue to have uninterrupted street frontage and vehicle access.
Share your thoughts
Please let us know what you think about this proposal to close the right of way by completing the submission form below.
You can also contact us in any of the following ways:
- By phone 9273 6000
- By email (External link)
- In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (during business hours)
- In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902
Hard copy forms are available on request.
Submissions closed 4pm Monday, 20 January 2025.
What will happen next?
After the consultation period has closed, Council will consider feedback and approve or deny the right of way closure.
If approved, the City will request the Minister pursuant to Section 52(1)(b) of the Land Administration Act 1997 to close the right of way.
If the request is granted, the right of way will be closed on the day the Acquisition Order is granted by the Minister for Lands.
The right of way will thereafter be an unallocated Crown Land owned by the State of Western Australia under the care, control and management of the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage. The Department will work with Brisbane Hotel on the acquisition of the right of way.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.