Proposed Revocation of Local Planning Policy 7.4.9 Encroachments over Crown Lands

This consultation closed on 10 November 2023.
The City of Vincent is proposing to revoke Local Planning Policy 7.4.9 Encroachments over Crown Lands and is seeking community feedback.
This policy was developed in 2008 as, at the time, no other guidance was available for developments encroaching over Crown land.
Crown land is all land that is not privately owned freehold lots. It includes local government property, public places and thoroughfares such as footpaths and alfresco areas along streets where encroachment is most common.
An encroachment occurs when part of a building or fixture from one property intrudes onto adjoining land, in this case, Crown land.
A recent review of the policy has determined the state planning framework now provides adequate controls for this matter.
At its 17 October meeting, Council endorsed the revocation of Local Planning Policy 7.4.9 Encroachment over Crown Lands for the purposes of community consultation.
Project details
The policy provides guidance and standards at the planning stage where developments are proposed which encroach over Crown land.
The policy was adopted in 2009, and a recent review shows there is now suitable guidance available for this in the state planning framework, as well as in information sheets provided by the City of Vincent.
This means the policy is now redundant and is an unnecessary component of our planning framework.
It is therefore proposed to revoke Local Planning Policy 7.4.9 Encroachments over Crown Lands.
Share your thoughts
This consultation closed 4pm Friday 10 November 2023.
What will happen next?
After this consultation period closes, any feedback we receive will be reviewed, and a recommendation presented to Council for consideration.
Everyone who provides feedback will be notified when the policy is due to be considered by Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend the Council Briefing and Council Meeting to ask questions or comment on the proposal.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.