Pop Up Play at Woodville Reserve
Our first Pop Up Play is underway next to the North Perth Community Garden in an under used area of Woodville Reserve.
During April, City staff and Mayor Cole met with local North Perth children who had created their own play area in an under used part of Woodville Reserve with found treasures and left over materials supplied to the North Perth Community Garden. The idea was to support what the children had started, to provide the raw materials they wanted and to encourage more children to use the space to play.
Local kids Max (12) and Catherine (11) were enthusiastic about the new play space.
“It gives me lots of freedom to do things I can’t do at other places. I love being able to make cubbies and forts with lots of recycled things we find. It is where we can be creative and have fun at the same time,” said Max.
“We have so much fun meeting new friends and working together building our own things, that evolve when we are playing. The world is not ready made for you, so it’s nice and fun to see what we can make ourselves, said Catherine.
Mayor Emma Cole is looking forward to expanding Pop Up Play in the coming weeks.“Woodville Reserve is the first Pop Up Play and we hope to do more before the end of June. The temporary play spaces will be based on ideas that have been put forward by members of the community, with direct feedback from youth.” said Mayor Cole.
“We know from talking with our youth, including our local schools during Imagine Vincent, that there is a demand for free nature play, pump tracks, bike trails and temporary play equipment that could bring more exciting play opportunities to Vincent.”
Visit the photo library to check out some photos of the new Pop Up Play at Woodville Reserve.
To share your thoughts on the kinds of Pop Up Play you would like to see in your area, make sure to let us know via the feedback form or email us at mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
Consultation has concluded