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Keep up-to-date and informed on what's happening in the City of Vincent!
North Perth Primary School imagines Vincent
Share North Perth Primary School imagines Vincent on Facebook Share North Perth Primary School imagines Vincent on Twitter Share North Perth Primary School imagines Vincent on Linkedin Email North Perth Primary School imagines Vincent linkA big thanks to the students from North Perth Primary School for joining Mayor Emma Cole yesterday to imagine the future of Vincent!
The amount of enthusiasm and ideas the students came up with was incredible. Some ideas included:
- Solar powered cars
- Electric shoes - like hover boards but built into shoes, which charge via walking so it encourages more walking too
- Having a wall mural painted in every street of the street name
- More trees
- BMX tracks around the edges of public open space
A really big thank you to North Perth Primary School for having us.
All ideas will be added to the seven "Share Ideas" pages, so be sure to go and take a look, add your own or vote for your favourite!
Quick Polls
Share Quick Polls on Facebook Share Quick Polls on Twitter Share Quick Polls on Linkedin Email Quick Polls linkHave you been participating in our quick polls?
We are taking emerging ideas from our community responses to create quick polls. There will be more over the next few weeks and you will find them on the Share Your Ideas theme pages, Facebook and Twitter.
Some of the results so far…
Which of the seven themes do you think will have the greatest benefit to the community of Vincent?
- Connecting: 42.9%
- Looking After Our Place: 25.4%
- Getting Around: 19%
- Living: 7.9%
- Places we go: 3.2%
- Daily Life: 1.6%
- Who we are: 0%
Do you expect to see self-driving vehicles in Vincent in the next 10 years?
- Yes: 77.8%
- No: 13.9%
- Maybe, anything is possible: 8.3%
A big week of big ideas
Share A big week of big ideas on Facebook Share A big week of big ideas on Twitter Share A big week of big ideas on Linkedin Email A big week of big ideas linkThanks to everyone who answered the questions or shared their ideas this week!
We have been receiving some great feedback and really appreciate the efforts of our community to get involved.
A big thanks to:
- Everyone who came and planted trees on Sunday
- Mrs Coniglio and Aranmore Primary School Year 6s
- Principal Jo High and the students from Years 3 to 6 at Kyilla Primary School
- Transition Town Vincent
If you want to add your own ideas, be sure to add them to our online post-it board!
Some great imaginations at Kyilla Primary School
Share Some great imaginations at Kyilla Primary School on Facebook Share Some great imaginations at Kyilla Primary School on Twitter Share Some great imaginations at Kyilla Primary School on Linkedin Email Some great imaginations at Kyilla Primary School linkA big thanks to the Year 3 to Year 6 students from Kyilla Primary School! There was some excitement in the room about the future and some great ideas, including:
- more community gardens
- buildings with rooftop gardens and parks
- parks are kept the same to remember the great times spent there
- fines for racism and teasing
- virtual reality and holograms in arcades
A really big thank you to Principal Jo Hine and her students for having us!All ideas will be added to the seven "Share Ideas" pages, so be sure to go and take a look, add your own or vote for your favourite!
The future is bright
Share The future is bright on Facebook Share The future is bright on Twitter Share The future is bright on Linkedin Email The future is bright linkWe had great fun at Aranmore Catholic Primary School yesterday talking to some Year 6 students about the future.
Some amazing imaginations saw the students come up with some great ideas, including:
- no plastic bags
- make more competitions that people can participate in to receive amazing prizes
- educate kids about problems they could solve in the future
- make more animal friendly places
- bigger fines for littering
- create a source of power using lightening power
I really big thank you to Mrs Coniglio and her students who spent the time Imagining Vincent with us.All ideas will be added to the seven "Share Ideas" pages, so be sure to go and take a look, add your own or vote for your favourite!
National Tree Day
Share National Tree Day on Facebook Share National Tree Day on Twitter Share National Tree Day on Linkedin Email National Tree Day linkYesterday was Australia’s largest community tree planting and nature care event – National Tree Day!
Mayor Emma Cole, Cr Dan Loden and Cr Jimmy Murphy were all there to lend a hand, plant trees and talk all things Imagine Vincent.
Over 100 people came by the event at Les Lilleyman Reserve in North Perth and helped us green Vincent!
Some great ideas were shared, including:
Electric charging stations everywhere
Better and safer bike routes
Protect the heritage of Vincent
Thanks to everyone for making the most of the nice weather!
The week that was
Share The week that was on Facebook Share The week that was on Twitter Share The week that was on Linkedin Email The week that was linkThanks to all the community members that have been involved in Imagine Vincent so far. The quality and variety of ideas has been amazing!
We have had a busy few weeks out and about in the community with lots of feedback and creative ideas about the future.
A big thanks to:
- Foyer Oxford for hosting us at their Social Impact Festival and to all the community members who stopped in and had a chat.
- Transition Town Vincent for organising the first Vincent Soup, where around 80 innovative thinkers got together to talk about future ideas (and received an Imagine Vincent postcard).
- Aranmore High School students for participating in a creative and passionate discussion about what they see for the future.
- Our Arts Advisory Group and Environmental Advisory Group for getting together to discuss the 7 big questions created by our community!
You can check out some of the ideas we collected on the 7 theme pages.
Be sure to add your own ideas or vote for your favourite.
We would love to hear the suggestions and actions that you believe will have the greatest benefit for the whole Vincent community!
Imagine Vincent Questions
Share Imagine Vincent Questions on Facebook Share Imagine Vincent Questions on Twitter Share Imagine Vincent Questions on Linkedin Email Imagine Vincent Questions linkAt a recent community workshop, seven themes were considered. The community worked hard to create seven big questions - one for each theme. These form the Imagine Vincent survey and include:
- How can we maximise the benefits of population growth and improve our environment?
- How can we be the leader in helping people get around in an active, safe and sustainable way?
- What do you love about Vincent? How can we celebrate and promote our uniqueness?
- How can we support and facilitate our local businesses/ enterprises/ services and stay flexible to change?
- How can the design of our neighbourhoods encourage a greater sense of community?
- How can we help build connections across our diverse community of people?
- How could we work together to create welcoming places and spaces for everyone?
We want you to Imagine Vincent!
Share We want you to Imagine Vincent! on Facebook Share We want you to Imagine Vincent! on Twitter Share We want you to Imagine Vincent! on Linkedin Email We want you to Imagine Vincent! linkWe launched Imagine Vincent on Thursday 8 June with a community workshop and open evening.
Imagine Vincent has been designed to canvass the broadest possible range of opinions, ideas and imaginations to help guide the future of Vincent.
We will be running the survey of our seven big questions, speaking with different groups in the community and providing opportunities for people to get together, have a chat and share their ideas.
By engaging the community, we gain a better understanding of what’s important to people, how we can do better, the community’s priorities, new ideas, and create a shared vision for the future.
The Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028 will describe how we will focus our efforts and ensure strong alignment between community expectation and Council priorities and strategies, as well as the services, programs and projects we deliver.
You can complete the Imagine Vincent survey or find out how to get involved at
We encourage everyone to get involved in Imagine Vincent!
How to Get Involved
Share How to Get Involved on Facebook Share How to Get Involved on Twitter Share How to Get Involved on Linkedin Email How to Get Involved linkImagine Vincent will provide real opportunities for you - our diverse, unique and evolving Vincent community - to imagine the future, and be involved in shaping it.
You can get involved by:
Register to receive regular updates on Imagine Vincent.
Log into the site and take the survey below!
Share your ideas in the various discussion forums, or on social media or directly with the Imagine Vincent project team.
Host or attend an Imagine Vincent ‘Conversation’
Follow City of Vincent on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram.
You will to need to register and create a profile to post comments and participate in discussion forums, surveys and quick polls. For more information please read our FAQs. To help new members with the registration process, we’ve created an easy registration guide.
Out and About
Hear from our Community
Click here to play video Community Panel members Members from the Imagine Vincent Community Panel discuss what they thought of the workshops and their experience with community deliberations.
Click here to play video Hear from Andy Community Panel members share their thoughts and experiences from the community deliberation process.