We want you to Imagine Vincent!
We launched Imagine Vincent on Thursday 8 June with a community workshop and open evening.
Imagine Vincent has been designed to canvass the broadest possible range of opinions, ideas and imaginations to help guide the future of Vincent.
We will be running the survey of our seven big questions, speaking with different groups in the community and providing opportunities for people to get together, have a chat and share their ideas.
By engaging the community, we gain a better understanding of what’s important to people, how we can do better, the community’s priorities, new ideas, and create a shared vision for the future.
The Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028 will describe how we will focus our efforts and ensure strong alignment between community expectation and Council priorities and strategies, as well as the services, programs and projects we deliver.
You can complete the Imagine Vincent survey or find out how to get involved at www.imagine.vincent.wa.gov.au/get-involved
We encourage everyone to get involved in Imagine Vincent!