Latest Quick Poll Results

Have you been participating in our quick polls?
We are taking emerging ideas from our community responses to create quick polls. There will be more over the next few weeks and you will find them on the Share Your Ideas theme pages, Facebook and Twitter.
Some of the results so far…
Would you sign up for or use a volunteer database that lists skills and availability and would be used to bring people together?
- Yes, sign me up now: 58%
- No: 5%
- I don’t know: 37%
Do you think we should reward people if they generate less rubbish?
- Yes: 62%
- No, but more education is required: 23%
- Let’s add a fee per kilo of excess waste: 9%
- I’m not sure: 6%
Would you like to see more electric charging stations around Vincent in the next 10 years?
- Yes: 88%
- No: 3%
- Hmmm: 9%
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