Newcastle Street (between Oxford and Loftus streets) - Speed Reduction Proposal

This consultation is now closed.
Main Roads WA supported a proposed speed reduction on this section of Newcastle Street from 60km/h to 40km/h which they have now implemented.
The City of Vincent is seeking feedback on a proposal to reduce the speed limit from 60km/h to 30km/h on Newcastle Street, between Oxford and Loftus streets in Leederville.
Vincent has been working to slow speeds on its roads since 2018. This activity has been generally supported by the local community, particularly for local roads and in busy activity centres.
An independent report to Council following a trial period of 40km/h speeds in parts of Vincent's southern suburbs, funded by the Office of Road Safety, found in the three years post the trial commencement, residents’ surveys demonstrated:
- 13 per cent increase in resident support for the trial
- 21 per cent increase in the perception of improved liveability
- 34 per cent being more likely to choose walking or riding over local car trips
It concluded that over time it is likely general traffic speeds will continue to decrease within Vincent as community expectation for people to drive safely increases.
Project Details
We are consulting on a proposal to reduce the speed limit from 60km/h to 30km/h on Newcastle Street, between Oxford and Loftus streets in Leederville.
Vincent has been moving towards reducing speeds over several years and has successfully lowered speeds to 40km/h on 40 per cent of all Local Roads. The remaining 60 per cent of Local Roads which is currently defaulted to 50km/h is currently with Main Roads WA for a decision to slow to 40km/h, with feedback expected later in the year.
We are now looking towards District Distributor roads to be reduced in speed such as Newcastle Street, from Loftus heading into the section already slowed to 30km/h towards Oxford Street.
This section of Newcastle Street falls within the heart of the Leederville Town Centre and the proposed reduction in speed limit aligns with the strategic direction as outlined in the Leederville Precinct Structure Plan, endorsed by Council in September 2021.
Implementing lower speed limits can contribute towards pedestrian safety as well as infusing vibrancy into our town centres.
Currently sections of Newcastle Street from Loftus Street heading towards Oxford Street remain at 60km/h. Road Safety data confirms that a person who is struck at 30km/h compared to 60km/h has a significant increased chance of surviving.
This speed reduction proposal aims to deliver ongoing safety benefits for the community:
- Improving cyclist/pedestrian safety.
- Reducing the severity of road accidents.
- Creating a more people friendly environment.
- Reducing road noise levels and noise pollution.
Any proposal to reduce speed on our roads requires approval from Main Roads WA prior to implementation.
Share your thoughts
Feedback closed 4pm Friday 15 September 2023.
What will happen next?
Following community consultation, feedback will be assessed and, if there is support for speed reduction on this section of Newcastle Street, a request will be sent to Main Roads WA to approve the proposed speed reduction from 60km/h to 30km/h.
Everyone who provides feedback and requests to be kept up to date will be notified of the outcome.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.