Native Plant Sale

In December and January we asked you about proposed changes to the Native Plant Sale.
The response was generally supportive of trialing one event in 2025.
If you'd like to save the date, this year's Native Plant Sale will be on Saturday 17 May.
More information will be available in April but for now pop it in your diary!
Anyone attending the 2025 event will be asked for feedback to help inform our future event planning.
Thank you again for taking the time to provide feedback.
The City of Vincent is asking for community feedback on a proposal to make some changes to the popular Native Plant Sale in 2025.
The City of Vincent has been holding the Native Plant Sale for residents for nearly 20 years.
They usually take place twice a year (in April and August) and are always extremely well-attended. In 2024, 550-600 Vincent households attended each event.
We have 7000-8000 plants available at each sale.
We regularly review and refresh events to ensure they continue to meet community needs and are being delivered as efficiently as possible. A recent review of the sale has identified several potential changes.
Project details
For 2025, the main change we are proposing is to trial holding one, larger sale in May instead of the two smaller ones in April and August.
The reasons for holding one Native Plant Sale in May include:
- Perth's climate is getting hotter and drier, with rainfall decreasing and commencing later in the year. If we get stock at a more suitable time for planting, it will result in better survival rates for young plants.
- Sourcing suitable stock for the sale is becoming increasingly difficult due to a decline in the number of suppliers. We can offer a better range and quality of stock earlier in the year, ensuring a broader variety available for residents to purchase.
- The price per tubestock has remained at $1 per plant for the last 20 years. Over this time, the cost of stock has increased significantly. One larger sale per year, instead of two, will reduce our costs and allow us to maintain this great price.
We want to ensure the event still provides great benefits to residents so, to offset the reduction in event frequency, we are also proposing to:
- Source more stock (more availability and more choice).
- Run an extra session on the one day (e.g. three in total).
- Increase attendance limits, so more residents can attend each session.
- Increase the purchase limit from 20 plants per household to 30. Accepting this will total less than the previous 20 per sale overall, but offset by the better planting time which should increase the success rate of the new plants.
We are also proposing to continue using Birdwood Square, as those who attended the August 2024 sale there strongly supported it as a venue for future sales.
If the proposed trial is supported for 2025, we will seek feedback from attendees to see if this should continue for 2026.
Share your thoughts
Please take a few moments to complete the survey below.
You can also contact us in any of the following ways:
- By phone 9273 6000
- By email (External link)
- By appointment (as the Parks team is based at the City of Vincent Works Depot) in person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville
- In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902
Hard copy surveys are available on request.
Consultation closed 4pm Friday, 31 January 2025.
What will happen next?
At the end of this consultation period, we will review all comments and consider this feedback when planning for next year's event.
If you would like to be kept updated about this project, you can request to do so at the end of the survey.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.