Thank you to everyone who commented on the mini roundabouts pilot project consultation.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 May, Council approved for the pilot project to proceed. A copy of the minutes of the meeting are in the document library.
Under the City’s funding agreement with Main Roads the works need to be substantially completed by 30 June and in order to meet this tight time frame you will likely see surveyors working on the roads setting out the ‘mini-roundabouts’ over the coming weeks.
In addition Main Roads WA has also indicated support to reduce the speed limit in the area bounded Alma Road, Fitzgerald, Vincent and William Streets, which encompasses the pilot area, to 40kmh (from 50kmh) and we'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Let us know if you agree or disagree by filling in the survey below.

The City of Vincent and Main Roads have been working collaboratively on a new pilot project for the Urban Road Safety Program (URSP). The program aims to implement low cost road safety treatments on an area wide or whole-of-street basis to assist in the reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes on local roads that are ineligible for funding from other road safety programs (such as the Black Spot funding).
The pilot project involves installing mini roundabouts at nine intersections in North Perth, in the area bounded by Ethel Street, Raglan Road, Hyde Street and Chelmsford Road. The project is fully funded by the Road Safety Commission.
The area proposed for the pilot project was nominated as both a responsive site, for the numerous low-grade traffic incidents recorded between 2014-2019, and as a proactive site based on the traditional ‘grid pattern’ road network.
Proposed locations for the nine mini roundabouts in North Perth
Mini roundabouts are regarded as an effective, low cost means of reducing the likelihood of traffic crashes on local roads. They have approximately a 3m diameter, compared to the 6m diameter of typical roundabouts, eliminating the need for road widening and significantly reducing construction costs. An example of a typical mini roundabout can be viewed here.
The ‘mini roundabouts’ pilot project is based on research by Monash University in Victoria using crash data provided by Main Roads (from April 2014 to April 2019), with GHD (Perth) assisting in the project scoping and design.
Possible reduction in speed limit to 40 kmh
Given that the standard 50kmh Urban Speed Limit currently applies within the pilot project area, Main Roads has advised that they will approve, through the pilot program, making the area a 40kmh Speed Zone in conjunction with the introduction of the mini roundabouts treatment .
Share your thoughts
The consultation on the pilot project has now closed, but you can share your thoughts on the proposed 40kmh speed limit in this area by:
- Online survey, available below
- Direct email, to
- By post, to PO Box 82, Leederville WA 6902, or
- In person, at the City of Vincent Library, 99 Loftus Street (during opening hours)
Feedback closed 18 June.
For more information, please contact the City on 9273 6000 or
To find out more about the Main Roads Urban Road Safety Program, visit their website here.
Thank you to everyone who commented on the mini roundabouts pilot project consultation.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 May, Council approved for the pilot project to proceed. A copy of the minutes of the meeting are in the document library.
Under the City’s funding agreement with Main Roads the works need to be substantially completed by 30 June and in order to meet this tight time frame you will likely see surveyors working on the roads setting out the ‘mini-roundabouts’ over the coming weeks.
In addition Main Roads WA has also indicated support to reduce the speed limit in the area bounded Alma Road, Fitzgerald, Vincent and William Streets, which encompasses the pilot area, to 40kmh (from 50kmh) and we'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Let us know if you agree or disagree by filling in the survey below.

The City of Vincent and Main Roads have been working collaboratively on a new pilot project for the Urban Road Safety Program (URSP). The program aims to implement low cost road safety treatments on an area wide or whole-of-street basis to assist in the reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes on local roads that are ineligible for funding from other road safety programs (such as the Black Spot funding).
The pilot project involves installing mini roundabouts at nine intersections in North Perth, in the area bounded by Ethel Street, Raglan Road, Hyde Street and Chelmsford Road. The project is fully funded by the Road Safety Commission.
The area proposed for the pilot project was nominated as both a responsive site, for the numerous low-grade traffic incidents recorded between 2014-2019, and as a proactive site based on the traditional ‘grid pattern’ road network.
Proposed locations for the nine mini roundabouts in North Perth
Mini roundabouts are regarded as an effective, low cost means of reducing the likelihood of traffic crashes on local roads. They have approximately a 3m diameter, compared to the 6m diameter of typical roundabouts, eliminating the need for road widening and significantly reducing construction costs. An example of a typical mini roundabout can be viewed here.
The ‘mini roundabouts’ pilot project is based on research by Monash University in Victoria using crash data provided by Main Roads (from April 2014 to April 2019), with GHD (Perth) assisting in the project scoping and design.
Possible reduction in speed limit to 40 kmh
Given that the standard 50kmh Urban Speed Limit currently applies within the pilot project area, Main Roads has advised that they will approve, through the pilot program, making the area a 40kmh Speed Zone in conjunction with the introduction of the mini roundabouts treatment .
Share your thoughts
The consultation on the pilot project has now closed, but you can share your thoughts on the proposed 40kmh speed limit in this area by:
- Online survey, available below
- Direct email, to
- By post, to PO Box 82, Leederville WA 6902, or
- In person, at the City of Vincent Library, 99 Loftus Street (during opening hours)
Feedback closed 18 June.
For more information, please contact the City on 9273 6000 or
To find out more about the Main Roads Urban Road Safety Program, visit their website here.