Major Land Transaction - Leederville Carparks Redevelopment

Project Update
Consultation closed on Monday 11 September, and we received 185 completed surveys with detailed commentary.
This feedback was reviewed, and a report presented to the 21 November Ordinary Council Meeting. At this meeting, Council adopted the recommendation by absolute majority to proceed with the major land transaction for the redevelopment of the sites.
The community and businesses will be consulted again during the development application phase.
For ongoing updates in the meantime, please visit our website.
Community members and local businesses have been invited to have their say on a business plan for the proposed transfer of three portions of two carparks in Leederville.
In December 2021, the City of Vincent started an expression of interest process for the redevelopment of the carparks, before shortlisting three developers a year later. Prior to this process, Council approved the Leederville Precinct Structure Plan to set a vision and guide development in the area. Through this process, Council reserved approximately 1700sqm of the carpark land as additional public open space alongside the existing Oxford Street Reserve.
Of the eight submissions received, three developers were shortlisted. In May 2023, Hesperia, who developed the award-winning ABN Office Building on Electric Lane, were then selected as the preferred proponent to redevelop the two carparks.
Vincent is now consulting with community on this Major Land Transaction Business Plan.
Project Information
Detailed information about the proposed transfer of three portions of two carparks in Leederville is available in the City of Vincent's Business Plan - Major Land Transaction and in Appendix 1: Leederville Town Centre Redevelopment - Proposed Concept and Vision. Both reports can be viewed in the Documents section to the right of this page.
The Frame Court and The Avenue carparks cover approximately 14,600sqm in the heart of Leederville and currently provide 464 ground-level parking bays. The Aerial Plan below outlines how the proposed sale would potentially impact land ownership in this area.
The developer’s proposed concept includes community spaces and a multi-storey public carpark on Frame Court, which will be owned by the City.
The proposal will see a mix of office and residential with retail shops activating the ground floor.
Conceptual Artist ImpressionThe City will keep ownership of several laneways and the public realm which will increase the amount of green space in the area and make the town centre more accessible.

A total of 484 public car parking bays, which will see an additional 20 car parking bays across the two sites, has also been proposed, as well as an additional 148 bays available after 5.30pm and on weekends.
The summary below shows the net increase in public bays and how public parking supply will be maintained throughout the planning and development phases.

The business plan outlines the process completed to date and the proposed sale of 1 The Avenue and 62 Frame Court.
The proposal is aligned with the Leederville Precinct Structure Plan, which was created through comprehensive engagement with the local community, business owners and local town team Leederville Connect.
Share your thoughts
This consultation closed 5pm Monday 11 September 2023, thank you for your feedback.
At the 21 November Council meeting, Council adopted the recommendation to proceed with the major land transaction for the redevelopment of the sites.
The community and businesses will be consulted again during the development application phase.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.