Leederville Precinct Structure Plan - Community Benefit Framework

This consultation is now closed and feedback is being reviewed.
The City of Vincent would like your help to prioritise potential projects within the Leederville Town Centre. These projects may be delivered by developers through a public benefit contribution fund.
Over the last five years, we've worked with our community to create a vision for the future of Leederville.
The draft Leederville Precinct Structure Plan (LPSP) was developed in close partnership with community and aligns with our Strategic Community Plan.
In September 2021, Council endorsed the draft LPSP which was then forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for Determination.
The LPSP was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) of the WAPC at its meeting in May 2024. The SPC resolved to require the City to modify the LPSP, including to:
Prepare a Community Needs Analysis that identifies desired infrastructure items that may be appropriate to deliver through development incentives in the LPSP.

Project details
We have engaged Element Advisory, a planning and place consultancy, to undertake a Community Needs Analysis (CNA) for the Leederville Town Centre and surrounds.
The CNA identifies the type of public benefit items that the town centre and broader suburb of Leederville is experiencing demand for currently and, based on projected forecasts, where they are likely to see that demand increase.
The CNA will inform the drafting of a Community Benefit Framework (CBF) which will manage public opt-in contribution for developers. It will be required when additional development potential is proposed above the acceptable height listed in the LPSP.
The contribution may be provided in three ways:
- a monetary contribution - to fund an infrastructure project that will be delivered by the City (such as road or park upgrades); or
- an in-kind contribution - delivered by a developer on a development site to the equivalent monetary contribution required (such as construction or fit out of a community venue space or provision of a pocket park); or
- a combination of both.
Community Needs Analysis
To inform the CNA, Element:
Undertook a gap analysis including demographic analysis and benchmarking against industry best practice.
Developed a list of potential projects based on the gap analysis, the City’s existing strategies and plans and all relevant past community and stakeholder engagement relating to the Leederville Town Centre and Leederville Structure Plan.
Element has divided their list of potential projects that can be funded by public benefit contributions into the following themes:
- Arts and Culture
- Childcare and Youth
- Community and Civic
- Health and Wellness
- Links and Connections
- Play Space
- Public Open Space
We would like you to help prioritise the list of potential projects as high, medium or low priority.
Your responses will help inform the order in which the projects are delivered when public benefit contribution funds are received from developers as per the CBF.
For more information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to the right of this page.
Share your thoughts
Take a look at the list of project list and complete the online survey to let us know which you would rate as high, medium or low priority.
You can also contact us in any of the following ways:
- By phone 9273 6000
- By email mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
- In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (during business hours)
- In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902
- Appointments are also available face-to-face, by phone or online.
Hard copy surveys are available on request.
Consultation closed 4pm Wednesday, 11 September 2024.
What will happen next?
All responses received will be analysed and the City will develop a Community Benefit Framework Project List.
Along with the other modifications requested, the City will be incorporating the Community Benefit Framework into a revised LPSP. This will then be subject to further public consultation before being resubmitted to the WAPC for final determination.
Everyone who provides feedback, and their contact details when completing the survey, will be kept updated on progress.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.