Lee Hops Cottage - Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest are now closed.
The City of Vincent is considering leasing Lee Hops Cottage in Robertson Park and is inviting expressions of interest.
Please note there will be a public Inspection of Lee Hops Cottage on Tuesday 8 October 2024 - meet onsite at 3pm.
Lee Hops Cottage is located at 176 Fitzgerald Street, Perth which is within Robertson Park.
The cottage is on the western side of the park, facing Fitzgerald Street and was built in the 1900s as a dwelling. The cottage has been conserved as part of the Lee Hops Cottage conservation plan and is heritage listed.
The property was previously tenanted to a not-for-profit agency as an office/counselling centre. Future use would be on a similar basis, aimed at meeting community needs.
The cottage is not part of the Robertson Park Development Plan, works for which will commence this year and be staged over the next four years. This upgrade includes a tennis precinct redevelopment, new public open space area, playground upgrade, new public toilet, and improvements to both the dog exercise area and community lighting. Regular updates on works at the park are available here.
Project Details
The City of Vincent is inviting expressions of interest for the lease of Lee Hops Cottage in Robertson Park.
In reviewing the expressions of interest, the City will consider the:
- proposed lease of Lee Hops Cottage in alignment with the aim of meeting community needs
- overall merit of the lease proposal including, but not limited to, term, outgoings, maintenance responsibilities and fit out.
Detailed information about this opportunity is available in the Lee Hops Cottage Expressions of Interest document, which can also be viewed to the right of this page.
Share your thoughts
A public Inspection of Lee Hops Cottage will be held on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 - meet onsite at 3pm.
Expressions of interest for Lee Hops Cottage can be:
- emailed to: mail@vincent.wa.gov.au
- submitted in writing to: City of Vincent, PO Box 82, Leederville, WA 6902
Submissions closed 4pm Friday, 18 October 2024.
What will happen next?
Following the Expression of Interest phase, the City may proceed to negotiate lease arrangements with preferred proponents.
The EOI phase does not commit the City to proceed to negotiate a tenure with any of the parties who may submit an EOI.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.