Jack Marks Reserve

This consultation is now closed and feedback has been reviewed.
We received 83 completed surveys and, while there were valid reasons put forward for both the 600mm and 900mm fence height, community's preference was for 900mm.
During the consultation, community members had questions and we can answer the most common ones here:
Why are we replacing the fence?
The current fence frequently requires repairs to keep the park safe for everyone. It has reached the point where repairing the fence is no longer sustainable and therefore it needs replacing.
Why is the fence Homestead style?
This style is consistent with other recently upgraded fences across Vincent. We've chosen Homestead fencing because it is proven to be more durable, easier to maintain and better value for money.
Why are you using gravel?
The purpose of eco zoning is to replace under-utilised turf with more eco-friendly materials. In this case the gravel reduces the amount of water used, but still allows water to permeate, rather than run off into roads and stormwater drains. Another benefit is the reduction of mowing close to the roads, which can be hazardous to staff and road users.
Why plant bird-attracting varieties given there are dogs using the park?
We will be reviewing the plant species selected and choosing the most appropriate ones for this park, keeping this feedback in mind. Priority will be given to plants that require less water, and less roadside maintenance, for safety.
Project details
The City of Vincent is replacing the fence at Jack Marks Reserve and is asking for community feedback on the proposed height of the fence.
Jack Marks Reserve is located at the corners of Broome, Wright and Turner streets in Highgate.
Vincent will be installing a new homestead style fence at this Reserve, as the existing fence is reaching the end of its life.
The height of the proposed fence can be either 600m or 900mm and we are seeking feedback on which the community would prefer to see there.
The proposal for Jack Marks Reserve also includes some verge eco-zoning:
- replacing the turfed verges at the western and northern side with crushed gravel and minimal planting
- converting the south-west garden bed into a native 'entry statement' bed
We will be using bird attracting plant varieties appropriate for this location.
Share your thoughts
Please take a few moments to complete the survey below.
You can also contact us in any of the following ways:
- By phone 9273 6000
- By email mail@vincent.wa.gov.au (External link)
- By appointment (as the relevant staff are based off-site) in person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (during business hours).
- In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902
Hard copy surveys are available on request.
Consultation closed 4pm Monday, 11 November 2024.
What will happen next?
At the end of this consultation period, we will review your comments and progress towards obtaining quotes.
If you would like to be kept updated on fencing and eco-zoning at Jack Marks Reserve, you can request to do so at the end of the survey.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.