Integrated Transport Plan
Consultation has concluded

As part of our commitment to being a leader in making it safe, easy, environmentally friendly and enjoyable to get around Vincent, we are developing the City's first Integrated Transport Plan.
The plan will guide the future transport needs of the City and ensure Vincent continues to be a thriving and accessible place for everyone.
In late 2018 we appointed the consultant Cardno to assist in developing the Integrated Transport Plan and for the last few months we have been busy gathering the data needed to understand how the City's transport and parking network is currently operating. Our research so far has included:
- A complete background analysis of the City’s existing plans and strategies;
- Analysis of the current road network;
- Analysis of the current cycling network;
- Pedestrian network study;
- Analysis of the public transport network;
- Car parking occupancy surveys of every street and City owned car park; and
- SWOT analysis of the current transport network.
The findings from our SWOT analysis of the City's current transport network can be viewed from the document library. This includes analysis of current pedestrian, cycling and private vehicle infrastructure, as well as analysis of the City's current public transport network.
After this initial research phase, we would now like to open discussions with the community and invite you to share your thoughts about transport and parking within Vincent.
Community feedback will directly inform the draft Integrated Transport Plan. The draft plan will be presented for further community comment prior to Council endorsement.
Share your thoughts
Help us plan for the future of transport and parking within the City of Vincent by completing our survey below and coming along to our Community Forum.
Community Forum
An open community forum will be held from 1pm - 3pm on 30 March at the North Perth Lesser hall to discuss the City's current transport network and explore options for a sustainable future.
RSVPs are essential and can be made from Eventbrite.
If you cannot make the info session, the online survey will be available until 13 April 2019.
The survey is also available to complete at the City's Administration Centre, 244 Vincent Street Leederville, and it can also be emailed upon request.