Florence & Carr Street upgrades

In 2020, the City will be looking to upgrade Florence Street and a section of Carr Street to improve safety for cyclists and provide better east-west cycling connection between Leederville, West Perth and Northbridge.
The upgrades include the addition of traffic calming elements on Florence Street and protected on-road bike lanes on Carr Street, east of Florence.
Carr Street
Carr Street was identified in the City's of Vincent's Bike Network Plan as a strategic connector and a popular east-west route.
While recent changes have improved traffic flow on Carr Street (speed reduction to 40km/h east of Charles Street and buses re-routed via Charles) it is acknowledged that Carr Street still has a high volume of traffic and is not particularly bike friendly.
An Accessible City
The addition of protected on-road bike lanes to Carr Street directly contributes to the second priority of the City's Strategic Community Plan, Accessible City.
Combined with the recently completed signalised pedestrian crossing at the corner of Florence and Vincent Street, these upgrades to Florence and Carr will provide a cycling connection from Vincent Street to Charles and Fitzgerald Streets and complete the link between Beatty Park Leisure Centre in North Perth and Robertson Park in Northbridge.
This project will also improve on the wider bike network, linking to the recently completed bike lanes on Loftus Street, the bike boulevard on Shakespeare Street and the bike lanes further north on Scarborough Beach Road.
Proposed Works
The works include the addition of traffic calming elements on Florence Street and protected on-road bike lanes on Carr Street, east of Florence.
The addition of protected on-road bike lanes on Carr Street will incur a loss of on-road parking bays as follows:
- 14 bays between Florence Street and Charles Street
- 3 bays between Charles Street and Fitzgerald Street
Plans of the works can be viewed below and from the sidebar.
Share your thoughts
Any thoughts or comments can be submitted via the feedback form below, or you can contact us on 9273 6000 or mail@vincent.wa.gov.au