Expression of Interest - Design Review Panel

This Expression of Interest is now closed.
The City of Vincent is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to join our Design Review Panel.
The panel is responsible for reviewing development applications and providing independent expert design advice to the City. The panel does not make any decisions on applications, nor does it liaise directly with applicants and other interested parties.
The City’s role is to consider the advice given by the Design Review Panel, and act upon it, at its discretion.
Expression of Interest
The Role
As a member of the Design Review Panel, you will:
- Make recommendations and provide advice to the City of Vincent on any planning proposal which has been referred to the Panel, including:
- proposals considered significant because of their size or land use;
- proposals considered to be significant because of their location;
- proposals considered to be significant because of their community impact;
- proposals considered to benefit from design review; and
- any scheme amendment, structure plan, policy, precinct plan, local development plan or design guidelines considered to benefit from design review by the Panel.
- Provide advice on environmental sustainability reports;
- Attend meetings when required;
- Provide design advice which aligns with the state and local planning framework; and
- Review the meeting minutes and provide feedback to the panel chairperson on design advice when required.
Panel membership will be reviewed in 2024. Panel membership cannot be sub-contracted to another party. Upon the term expiring, members will be asked to reapply.
Remuneration of panel members is to be in accordance with the Design Review Panel – Terms of Reference.
Essential Criteria
Qualification in sustainability and environmental design and a current registration with the relevant professional body.
Professional indemnity insurance including insurance-broker, policy number, value and expiry date.
Selection criteria are contained in the Nomination Form.
Nomination Information
Prior to completing the nomination form, please read these documents:
This Expression of Interest closed 5pm Wednesday, 6 December 2023.
What will happen next?
After the Expression of Interest period closes, nominations will be reviewed, and a report presented to Council for consideration.
Everyone who nominates will be notified when the report is due to be considered by Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend the Council briefing and Council meeting to ask questions or comment.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.