How does this project relate to Imagine Vincent?
Imagine Vincent was the biggest community engagement initiative in our history and was used to directly inform our Strategic Community Plan 2018 – 2028. Earlier this year, we undertook a major review of the Strategic Community Plan and the community informed us that these priorities remain relevant for the foreseeable future.
The Claisebrook Precinct Framework is similar to Imagine Vincent, but instead of asking our community to create a vision for Vincent, we are asking them to create a vision for the future of Claisebrook.
We want to know how we can help Claisebrook to be a great place for everyone and deliver on the six priorities of Imagine Vincent. While thinking about what your future Claisebrook looks like, it might be useful to consider these six priorities:
Enhanced Environment
The natural environment contributes greatly to our inner-city community. We want to protect and enhance it, making best use of our natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.
Accessible City
We want to be a leader in making it safe, easy, environmentally friendly and enjoyable to get around Vincent.
Connected Community
We are a diverse, welcoming and engaged community. We want to celebrate what makes us unique and connect with those around us to enhance our quality of life.
Thriving Places
Our vibrant places and spaces are integral to our identity, economy and appeal. We want to create, enhance and promote great places and spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Sensitive Design
Design that ‘fits in’ to our neighbourhoods is important to us. We want to see unique, high quality developments that respect our character and identity and respond to specific local circumstances.
Innovative and Accountable
The City of Vincent has a significant role to play in supporting our community to realise its vision. To achieve this, we will be an innovative, honest, engaged and responsible organisation that manages resources well, communicates effectively and takes our stewardship role seriously.
What currently guides development within this area?
Policy No. 7.7.1 – Built Form guides development on private land and applies to all development within the City of Vincent.
Portions of Claisebrook are subject to the Perth Parking Management Area. This area is guided by a Policy that supports the delivery of a balances and sustainable transport network, to manage congestion and provide for the efficient movement of people to, from and within the city centre, helping to create a safe, vibrant and connected place to live, work and visit.
How will the City be consulting with the community to develop the vision and planning framework for Claisebrook?
The first step is to hold community workshops. These workshops will help to create a vision and the design guidelines for the area.
Once this information is available, we will publish it on this page for further comment.
Why is the City preparing a planning framework for this area?
A framework is being prepared by the City to ensure development is suitable and fits in with the existing context of Claisebrook.
Without a solid plan in place, ad-hoc development will occur in Claisebrook, and each planning decision would be made independent of each other.