Birdwood Square Playground
This consultation is now closed.
Birdwood Square in Beaufort Street is getting a new playground, and we'd love your help with planning the makeover.
Centrally located on Beaufort Street, Birdwood Square has long been a popular spot for families, community sport and the nearby Highgate Primary School.
This year, upgrades are coming to the park with a public toilet and changeroom facility and playground renewal set to revitalise the area. Improved footpaths, lighting and landscaping will complete the upgrade.
Construction will start in April and include an accessible toilet, along with two unisex toilet and shower cubicles, providing convenience and allowing more people to enjoy Birdwood Square for longer.
A concept plan is available to view in the document library to the right of this page.
For information and updates on the Birdwood Square upgrade, visit our website.
Vincent is currently seeking community feedback on the playground element of the upgrade.
This project is partially funded by the State Government, through an election commitment from the Hon. John Carey MLA, Department of Education WA and the City of Vincent.
Project details
Birdwood Square playground has been well-loved over the years and is scheduled for an upgrade as part of the works outlined in the Birdwood Square Landscape Plan located in the document library to the right of this page.

The current playground at Birdwood Square has been a hit with the community for more than 20 years.
Understandably, the playground is looking a little tired and will soon reach its end of useable life and requires a makeover.
To maximise the park’s layout and allow for the toilet and changeroom facility, the playground will be relocated to the west of its current location.
Construction on the new facility will start in April, and the new playground is expected to be installed before the end of 2024.
Vincent is now seeking community feedback on the types of play equipment people would like considered for inclusion in the playground design.
We are also consulting separately with Highgate Primary School.
Share your thoughts
This consultation closed 4pm Friday, 22 March 2024.
What will happen next?
At the end of this consultation period, your feedback will be reviewed and incorporated into the playground design.
If you would like to be kept updated on project activity at Birdwood Square, you can request to do so at the end of the survey below.
Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.