What is the Municipal Heritage Inventory (Heritage List)?

    The City of Vincent Heritage List (which also serves as its Municipal Heritage Inventory) exists pursuant to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and provides statutory protection for heritage places. 

    Under State law every local government authority is required to complete and keep under review a Municipal Heritage Inventory (MHI). The MHI is a document that records places in our City that have cultural heritage value and explains why these places are special.

    Why are places heritage listed?

    Listing is the way our heritage places are identified and managed through the planning process. This helps look after the environmental, economic and social benefits of our heritage buildings for current and future generations. 

    Listing assists with conservation of a place. It’s not intended to stop all change.

    How is a place removed from the Municipal Heritage Inventory?

    In accordance with LPP 7.6.5, Council will consider the removal of a property from the MHI in the following scenarios:

    Cultural Heritage Significance

    The cultural heritage significance of the place in the existing heritage assessment was erroneous.


    The poor state of a place should not in itself be a reason for removal from MHI. Deletion of a place from MHI will only be considered if a structural condition report conducted by a registered structural engineer state that the structural integrity of the place has failed to the point where it cannot be rectified without the removal of a majority of its significant fabric.

    Social or Historic Significance 

    Where the heritage value is historic and/or social only the owner/applicant can demonstrate that it cannot practically be retained in its entirety or in part because:

    1. The location of the building on the site; or
    2. The limited Vehicular Access to the site and non-compliance with Australian Standards;  
    3. The inability to comply with the National Construction Codes Series e.g. ramps, corridor widths etc.; or
    4. The inability of the existing building structure or materials to be incorporated into the new development; or
    5. The inability of the existing building to support additional height and bulk to the intention of the locality as prescribed in the relevant planning policy.

    Following consultation, Council will then make a resolution on the request. This will include due consideration to any submission received.