Residents with Access and Inclusion Needs Study

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Three smiling young people with disability seated: a man in a wheelchair in sports kit and two women on a green sofa.

This consultation is now closed.

Image: Three young adults seated together and smiling - a man wearing a Western Australian Institute of Sport shirt, seated in a wheelchair, a woman in a long blue formal dress, and a woman in a Western Australian Institute of Sport shirt who is wearing a prosthetic leg. The two women are seated on a green couch

The City of Vincent wants to know what we do well and what we could do better to make Vincent a more inclusive and accessible place to live in.

If you are a resident living with a disability and/or mental health condition, or someone who cares for a person living with a disability and/or mental health condition, we would like to hear from you.

We would also like to hear from you if you are a person (or carer of a person) with access and inclusion needs who identifies in a different way, such as neurodivergent.


As a local government, Vincent is responsible for providing public facilities, services and events and it is important that everyone feels welcome and is able to participate if they choose to.

Vincent's Diversity Access and Inclusion Policy provides guidance on how we address barriers to participation and inclusion and demonstrates our commitment to ensuring services and activities are inclusive.

Our Access and Inclusion Plan 2022-2027 sets out to make our buildings services, events and culture more accessible and to make sure everyone in our community feels included.

This consultation is not intended to replace this Plan. It will provide valuable insights into the access and inclusion needs of different people in our community as well as feeding into an over-arching Community Development Plan for Vincent.

Project details

Are you a person with disability, mental health challenges or neurodivergence living in the City of Vincent?

Are you a family member or carer?

If so, we need your help to make the City of Vincent a more inclusive and accessible place to live in.

Please either complete a survey, attend a workshop or contact us by your preferred method to provide feedback on your experience. We want to hear what we do well and how we can do better.

There are also many facilities and services affecting our community that are not overseen by local government, such as housing, health and education. Where there is community support, we can advocate for improvements in these areas to the State and Federal Governments.

Vincent is working with Dr Amber Arazi of ASA Access Consultancy on this consultation who will also be facilitating the Access and Inclusion Needs Workshop.

Share your thoughts

You can give your feedback in different ways.

Please contact us if you would like the survey in another format, such as large print or Braille.

Interpreters are also available for languages other than English, including Auslan. Please contact us to request an interpreter.

This consultation closed 4pm Monday, 9 September 2024.

You can also contact the City of Vincent:

  • By phone 9273 6000
  • By email
  • In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (during business hours)
  • In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902

What will happen next?

We’ll review your feedback and get to work on developing the new Community Development Plan incorporating what you have told us.

If you wish to be kept updated on this project, please provide your email address when completing the survey, and you will be notified when updates are available.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

This consultation is now closed.

Image: Three young adults seated together and smiling - a man wearing a Western Australian Institute of Sport shirt, seated in a wheelchair, a woman in a long blue formal dress, and a woman in a Western Australian Institute of Sport shirt who is wearing a prosthetic leg. The two women are seated on a green couch

The City of Vincent wants to know what we do well and what we could do better to make Vincent a more inclusive and accessible place to live in.

If you are a resident living with a disability and/or mental health condition, or someone who cares for a person living with a disability and/or mental health condition, we would like to hear from you.

We would also like to hear from you if you are a person (or carer of a person) with access and inclusion needs who identifies in a different way, such as neurodivergent.


As a local government, Vincent is responsible for providing public facilities, services and events and it is important that everyone feels welcome and is able to participate if they choose to.

Vincent's Diversity Access and Inclusion Policy provides guidance on how we address barriers to participation and inclusion and demonstrates our commitment to ensuring services and activities are inclusive.

Our Access and Inclusion Plan 2022-2027 sets out to make our buildings services, events and culture more accessible and to make sure everyone in our community feels included.

This consultation is not intended to replace this Plan. It will provide valuable insights into the access and inclusion needs of different people in our community as well as feeding into an over-arching Community Development Plan for Vincent.

Project details

Are you a person with disability, mental health challenges or neurodivergence living in the City of Vincent?

Are you a family member or carer?

If so, we need your help to make the City of Vincent a more inclusive and accessible place to live in.

Please either complete a survey, attend a workshop or contact us by your preferred method to provide feedback on your experience. We want to hear what we do well and how we can do better.

There are also many facilities and services affecting our community that are not overseen by local government, such as housing, health and education. Where there is community support, we can advocate for improvements in these areas to the State and Federal Governments.

Vincent is working with Dr Amber Arazi of ASA Access Consultancy on this consultation who will also be facilitating the Access and Inclusion Needs Workshop.

Share your thoughts

You can give your feedback in different ways.

Please contact us if you would like the survey in another format, such as large print or Braille.

Interpreters are also available for languages other than English, including Auslan. Please contact us to request an interpreter.

This consultation closed 4pm Monday, 9 September 2024.

You can also contact the City of Vincent:

  • By phone 9273 6000
  • By email
  • In person at the City of Vincent Administration Building, 244 Vincent Street (corner Loftus Street), Leederville (during business hours)
  • In writing, by mail to PO Box 82, Leederville, 6902

What will happen next?

We’ll review your feedback and get to work on developing the new Community Development Plan incorporating what you have told us.

If you wish to be kept updated on this project, please provide your email address when completing the survey, and you will be notified when updates are available.

Information on this page is available in alternative formats on request.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of Vincent wants to hear from residents with disability about their needs and aspirations. This information will be used to make Vincent a more inclusive and accessible place to live in.

    Provide your feedback via the survey below.

    This consultation closes 4pm Monday, 9 September 2024.

    Additional Information

    You can answer some or all of the questions.

    We will keep your personal information private and remove any information that identifies you from the consultation report.

    If you are negatively impacted by any of the questions in this survey, and would like to access free counselling and support, you can contact:

    • Lifeline – 13 11 14   
    • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
    Share Residents with Access and Inclusion Needs Study on Facebook Share Residents with Access and Inclusion Needs Study on Twitter Share Residents with Access and Inclusion Needs Study on Linkedin Email Residents with Access and Inclusion Needs Study link
Page last updated: 09 Sep 2024, 04:55 PM