City of Vincent Organisational Review
Consultation has concluded

Overview of Organisational Review
To empower teams to deliver on programs, projects and services for the City of Vincent and its community, it is fundamental that we as Team Vincent continue to build on our strong culture that aligns to our values of engaging, accountable and making a difference. Our organisational structure provides a platform on how we work together as one team to achieve our commitments on the City of Vincent's strategic and corporate plans.
A recent review on our organisational structure was conducted to identify areas to be improved to support our vision and deliver on over 200 programs, projects and services. A new high level interim structure has been announced by the CEO on the 24 April 2019 to staff which adopts the following principles:
- Prioritising customer and ratepayer service as part of the creation of a new community hub co-located with the library
- Creating clear roles and responsibilities for all City functions
- A high level and dedicated focus on strategy and innovation
- A focus on stronger teams and team based performance
- Providing greater opportunities for staff development and training within the workplace
The key change to the organisational structure is to move to a three directorate system to better reflect our size, staff and resources as a Tier 2 local government organisation. At present, an interim structure has been identified during the consultation process:
- Directorate – Community and Business
- Directorate – Planning and Place
- Directorate – Infrastructure and Environment
Departments such as Human Resources, Information and Communication Technology and Governance, Property and Contracts will report directly to the CEO provisionally until consultation has been completed and a finalised organisational structure is approved.
The Interim three directorate organisational structure can be viewed below.
Alignment to Long Term and Business Plans
Executive Management Committee has commenced reviewing our teams’ long term strategies and business plans to ensure we have the right systems, structures and skills to deliver on Council’s priorities for next financial year.
Strategic alignment for the City requires continuous review and adjustment of the direct linkages between our Strategic Community Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Corporate Business Plan, Annual Budget and Workforce Plan. The team strategy sessions should ensure that projects, programs and services are focused directly on the Strategic Management Framework.
The organisational review provides an opportunity for teams and individual officers to confirm where there is good alignment or identify any misalignment between the roles and responsibilities in the current organisational structure. There can be a large hidden opportunity cost in terms of staff time and effort from working on other things which may not be aligned to our strategy.
What does consultation mean?
The organisational review and consultation process will provide staff with an opportunity to identify how and where the directorates could increase collaboration, where we can identify like to like positions across directorates to support our goals and deliverables and ensure succession planning is in place through staff development and training.
Staff engagement in the consultation process will underpin the development of the finalised organisational structure. The CEO encourages all staff to be involved, provide feedback and submit ideas during the consultation process.
What is the consultation process?
The consultation process will have two phases to ensure all staff have the opportunity to provide feedback amd offer their innovative ideas to the Executive Management Committee (EMC) to support a new organisational structure at the City.
Phase 1 - All employees will receive an email with a link to a survey. The survey will provide an opportunity for staff to answer four separate questions that will support the development of a new organisational structure.
Phase 2 - All information provided within the survey from staff will be captured via a report sent out to all staff for review. Based on this information from staff, workshops will be facilitated by Human Resources to 'unpack' the feedback, discuss synergies between teams and solutions to any issues that impact the way we work as Team Vincent.
All information will be gathered from the survey and each workshop attended by staff to produce a final report for EMC. EMC will discuss with an outcome of developing a final organisational chart. The organisational chart will be discuss with staff by the Executive Directors and Management before Council approval in August 2019.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the Human Resources Office (i.e. your HR Business Partner) or the Executive HR Manager Nathan Stokes on 9273 6029 or via email at