40km/hour Speed Zone Trial

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Consultation has concluded

On 29 April 2019 we commenced a 40km/h speed zone trial in Vincent's southern suburban areas. The two-year trial aims to study the impact of slower speed limits in residential areas, with independent research supported by the Road Safety Commission.

We know that reduced speed limits make roads safer for all road users, but they also contribute to more active and liveable neighbourhoods.

Some of the benefits of slower speeds are:

  • lower speeds encourage better interaction between drivers, pedestrians and cyclists
  • they help create more attractive and connected communities
  • they make neighbourhoods safer
  • the risk of trauma in an accident reduces at slower speeds
  • they lower fuel consumption which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emissions
  • there is less noise pollution
  • slower speeds do not cut travel time significantly

The trial commenced following extensive consultation with our community. In July 2018 we asked the community what they thought of a 40km/h speed zone trial. It generated a lot of discussion with 392 people providing comments, 57.4% of which were in favour of the two-year trial.

Following the consultation and approval by Council to proceed, a working party was established to provide guidance for the trial’s implementation, which includes members from the City of Vincent, Road Safety Commission, Main Roads WA, Department of Transport, WA Police Force, WA Local Government Association, RAC and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Key Information

  • Two-year evidence-based trial scheduled to commence on 29 April 2019
  • Residential streets in the trial area, currently 50km/h, will reduce to 40km/h
  • Main distributor roads will stay at their current speed limits, with the exception of part of Vincent Street near the Hyde Park water playground
  • 40km/h road signs will be put in place and covered until the trial starts
  • The Road Safety Commission will be supporting the City of Vincent in evaluating the 40km/h trial

The area of the trial is from Newcastle to Vincent Street, between Charles Street and the river.

On 29 April 2019 we commenced a 40km/h speed zone trial in Vincent's southern suburban areas. The two-year trial aims to study the impact of slower speed limits in residential areas, with independent research supported by the Road Safety Commission.

We know that reduced speed limits make roads safer for all road users, but they also contribute to more active and liveable neighbourhoods.

Some of the benefits of slower speeds are:

  • lower speeds encourage better interaction between drivers, pedestrians and cyclists
  • they help create more attractive and connected communities
  • they make neighbourhoods safer
  • the risk of trauma in an accident reduces at slower speeds
  • they lower fuel consumption which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emissions
  • there is less noise pollution
  • slower speeds do not cut travel time significantly

The trial commenced following extensive consultation with our community. In July 2018 we asked the community what they thought of a 40km/h speed zone trial. It generated a lot of discussion with 392 people providing comments, 57.4% of which were in favour of the two-year trial.

Following the consultation and approval by Council to proceed, a working party was established to provide guidance for the trial’s implementation, which includes members from the City of Vincent, Road Safety Commission, Main Roads WA, Department of Transport, WA Police Force, WA Local Government Association, RAC and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Key Information

  • Two-year evidence-based trial scheduled to commence on 29 April 2019
  • Residential streets in the trial area, currently 50km/h, will reduce to 40km/h
  • Main distributor roads will stay at their current speed limits, with the exception of part of Vincent Street near the Hyde Park water playground
  • 40km/h road signs will be put in place and covered until the trial starts
  • The Road Safety Commission will be supporting the City of Vincent in evaluating the 40km/h trial

The area of the trial is from Newcastle to Vincent Street, between Charles Street and the river.